Saturday, May 9, 2009


my 2nd award. =D
this award was given from enjii. thankss girlie ♥ ♥.
she tagged me a few days ago, tapi baru sempet sekarang. sorii ya sayy.

the award itself are for super follower, smart blogger, etc.
how sweeeet ~~ thanks enjii. =D

i would like to tag :
  1. Onic
  2. Karia Venessa
  3. Keke
  4. Lokita
  5. Liz
  6. Audrey
  7. Biyan
  8. Amadea Larissa
  9. Cellini
  10. & gue link balik ke Enjii (gx ada larangan kaan nge'tag balik. =D)
i tagged this award for you because you are all soo inspirational, so pretty, & for being my NEW friend. so, thank you =D
happy blogging & tagg dearrr.